Friday, 24 August 2012

The Human Metagenome & New Cancer treatment and Cancer Scare in Colas

The Human Meta-genome:

HM has become a reality. We seem to be having ten times more germs in our bodies compared to our cells, and all their genes come into our meta-genome. The HM has had zero medical benefit. " We have , in truth, learned nothing from the genome other than probability. How does a1% or 3% increase risk for something translate into the clinic ? It is useless information" says J Craig Venter , a well known scientist.

New Method of Treating Cancer:

Using chemotherapy or radiation to treat cancer is not logical and has not done much good any way. Researchers are hoping to rope in our own body's immune system to treat cancer which looks promising. Although some efforts to use immune therapy have been in vogue , they were not successful. If one is to believe recent reports, there is hope that new methods of making our own immune cells kill cancer can be a successful method in the not too distant future.

Cancer Scare in Colas: 

The colour of Coca- Cola and many others popular brands comes from 4- methylimidazole ( 4-MEI) , a chemical that forms in the caramel food colouring. The manufacturers of all cola drinks in the market insist that it is safe in the dose found in their cans and bottles. But the authorities in California disagree. Long- term Exposure to this chemical is shown to induce lung cancer in rats; authorities in California have ruled that drinks carrying more than 29mcg(micro grams) should carry a warning on the can. Centre of Science (USA) found that cans of most soft drinks contain more than 140mcg. However , the FDA and the British Food Standards Agency think that it requires a very large dose to cause cancer and they are not losing sleep over this new finding, yet!

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